Sunday, July 18, 2010's All For Now, Folks!

Well, 8 months after we started on this journey through Catholic liturgy -- and about 7 months after I thought initially it would be finished, here we are, having gone through probably more on the topic than you ever wondered about (or wanted to wonder about!). Thanks for taking the trip with me. I hope you've found it interesting and helpful.

If you're ever interested in some other reading on liturgy, might I recommend John Baldovin's great little book Bread of Life, Cup of Salvation. It's short, small, very easy to read, and filled with interesting observations from a priest who has dedicated his life to thinking about and teaching about liturgy. It's been a great resource to me and I offer it to you most highly.

(John's also got a new book out, Reforming the Liturgy, that's also gotten some very good press. I think it's a bit more academic in style, but everything I hear suggests it has some fantastic insights.)

Andreas Andreopoulous' The Sign of the Cross, which I've been referring to recently, is another nice resource, for those interested in the history and theology behind the sign of the cross.

And, America Magazine has a nice group blog, The Good Word, which offers reflections on the upcoming week's scriptures and lots of other liturgy things.

I may post something here or there over the next month, but for the most part I'm going to take a break to retool and think about where we might go from here.

And you might do the same. I'd be very interested to hear any suggestions as to what you liked or didn't (either in terms of style or content), and things you'd like to read about, questions you'd like someone to consider -- or things you would like to read less of. Having wandered back to my blog upon occasion, I will tell you I have discovered just how incredibly long some of my posts have gotten! I hope to aim for much shorter pieces in the future.

So, I'm interested in any feedback you might want to give.

In the meantime, thanks again for joining me on this. It's been a great pleasure to write.

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