Friday, July 29, 2011

Things were just overwhelming a few weeks back...

and I feel as if my life is returning to normal. Thankfully!

I am so thankfully for God's promise and for Him being there every step of the way because if it was just me doing it alone well let's just say I wouldn't be standing anymore but because of him I am still standing and walked through it all and came out on the other side. He is good!

In our inner circle of friends we had four deaths... in four days. I know it is basically unheard of to have them back to back to back to back but that is what happened. I was able to maintain my daycare open for the most part only having to close for one day but it sure was a long week. Visitations and funerals blanketed my world for a while so much so that when our 7 year old would wake up she asked whose funeral it was that day or visitation... pretty sad that this was my 7 year olds reality but is truly was.

Thanks to all of you who were praying us through this time in our life. It really was greatly appreciated.

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