Monday, August 31, 2009

A Tantillo Tradition: Honey Crisp Apple Crisp

If anyone knows the chaos that goes along with sending the kids back to school, it's my sister, Jill Eckert Tantillo. Jill is the proud mother of four children, ranging in age from 3 to 10 years old. Despite the schedule changes, earlier bedtimes and homework, Jill still manages to find time to keep up a family tradition she started a few years back:

Even though I was raised on an apple farm and now work there myself, I realized that I had yet to create a tradition of taking my own family apple picking. It was after this, that I decided that the first of the season Honey Crisp apples allowed me the perfect opportunity. Now every late August, I load up the kids to go apple picking. Sure, it's crazy trying to find everyone a matching pair of shoes and get them all safely secured in the van, but it is well worth the effort when I see their smiling faces riding the wagon out to orchard just as I did as a girl. I wait patiently as the kids pluck the apples from the tree until our bag is nearly full.
Oh no, the excitement doesn't even begin to end there. Later that evening, the family gathers in the kitchen to make our traditional "back to school" dessert: Honey Crisp Apple Crisp. Dessert isn't the only thing served, but rather a reminder of no matter how hectic life gets, we still must set time aside to create everlasting memories!

Eckert's Honey Crisp Apple Crisp

6 Eckert's Honey Crisp Apples
1 Package Eckert's Old Fashion Apple Crisp
Eckert's Frozen Custard

Peel and slice apples. Add Apple Crisp topping following the package directions. Serve warm with Eckert's Frozen Custard.

I use the remaining apples in the kids' lunches for a nutritional, yet yummy snack.

Here's to your family's traditions and memories!


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