Monday, May 26, 2008

Going by the book or beyond?

In an interesting article that I read in the 'Scholar', a supplementary special published by 'The Hindu' dated May 24th 2008, several educationists opined that children prefer other teaching aids such as computers, CD ROMs, etc.

I could sense their concern for children (their's too) as being burdened to carry the books to schools but I feel books are still the basic reading material for all ages. Computers can only help make the children understand the subjects in a different manner but computers and CD ROMs cannot yet replace the books.

Well, I am not going to debate on an issue that will lead to nowhere.

Apart from the home page article, I was attracted by various other contents of the 'Scholar', not to mention the nice design. Even some of the ads they managed to procure will be useful to parents and teachers.

There is another piece of information that I liked; its about a list of special schools in and around Madras. There are so many schools that target special children like deaf, blind, mentally retarded that many parents may not be aware; they also have no means to look for such special education. I mean they are people who are not resourceful enough to gather information.

Schools that teach fine arts also have advertised their services. Fine arts teaching is one area that I think is on the decline. May be such schools can use a little bit of free promotion by "The Hindu' who are know patrons of fine arts.

I think the next issue on education will hit the streets only during next academic year. I wonder how it will be!

I would like to see interviews of parents, teachers and even students. If possible, the editor of the 'Scholar' should publish unedited version of such interviews as they are sure to contain true appreciation as well as criticism.

Thank you 'The Hindu' for the 'Scholar'.

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