Monday, August 30, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love and Let Go Of...

The great thing about a good film is the passageways it can lead your mind down.

I saw "Eat, Pray, Love" today, the new Julia Roberts film based on the super-multi-amazing bestselling book of the same name by Elizabeth Gilbert (who I always want to call Sara Gilbert or Elizabeth Mitchell.  urk.)  It's the story of the year after Ms. Gilbert's divorce, and the journey she took to Italy, India and finally Bali to rediscover life, forgive herself and move on.

The film's gotten an "eh" to "hmm" reception, but I highly recommend it for anyone traveling the spiritual road.  Some amazing moments, particularly in the middle section, about getting through the guilt and self-recrimination after you've hurt someone deeply.   And some of the acting is just outstanding.

Personally, I found the film drew (threw?) me back to the last month of move-in to Los Angeles.  Every time I move, I spend a lot of time trying to simplify, throwing things away, organizing, etc.  Especially throwing away.  In fact, both as I pack and after I arrive I try my very best to FREAKING LET GO.

And this go round was particularly hard, a lot more time spent wrestling than I would have cared for, and with no clear sense on my part as to why.  

So I'm walking out of EPL and the thought comes: maybe you've been stuck in this seemingly endless loop because you're trying to throw away the wrong things. Maybe, this time around it's not so much certain objects you have to let go of but ---

And that's where the thought trailed off.  Hate when that happens.

It's always good to pray for freedom.  And to eat ice cream.


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