Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mystery Birthday Trip! Oh My!

Tomorrow is my Birthday but,
this morning Started out like all the rest.  Get up, get kids to school come home drink a Pepsi so I can be nice.
Now I should have started to realize that something was different when Sunshine said "I know you will have a good day Mom" as she hopped out of the car.
Wanting to know what was going on I thought of calling my sweetheart and asking some sneaky questions.
But I decided no.
Then I received this text message
 After a quick trip to the office I found this.

Well my honey was smart because he gave me till 4pm to get ready.  I think he knew I looked like this

After a quick shower I tried to figure out what I should wear.
(WARNING NEXT Photos  are blurry!  Hey it is hard to take photos of yourself!)
Whoa!  I am way too white

Nah maybe too cold where I am going.
 Maybe Capri's?
Sweater?  Aggh!  Need more Specifics!
After a quick comb through of my hair and a quick brush of my teeth.  What are all the tools and products for??  Okay so after a blow dry, a flat iron a round brush, and curling iron. 
Some teeth whiting, deodorant, smoothing gel, straightening gel, Hair spray and a little make up.
I am ready to go!
Oh yeah and I packed Too!
Okay now only 4.5 Hours to wait!
I will let you know as soon as I am back where I went!
I am super excited!

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