Saturday, December 26, 2009

SEO boosting with .tel

I am quite confident, that it works: better results with multiple same
keywords / multiplying the same keyword within the header of telproxy.
I studied three examples from Shahid, which he posted in the Telnic forum
(thre links to google pages, where one could find the keyword related search
results, respectively, his .tel subdomains, which are highly ranked for
searching in Google, due to his smart usage of keywords within the header
section of telproxy).

In other words: A .tel domainm, or subdomain can have a better Google search rank (not speaking of page rank, which is a different thing, I would say), than any other non-dot-tel subdomain (.com, .org,, etc.), due to
smart "keywording", and the .tel technology (DNS/direct storage and exchange
of information/ faster times, for lightweight pages which us DNS technology
in the way that Telnic does).

If I understood others correctly, than no subdomain gets a page rank, or it is
discriminated for page rank. And basically, subdomains have a disadvantage
about Google indexing them.
But the given examples of .tel subdomains show me, that we can boost them for
search engine seachability (SEO), by using the extended space in the header
of telproxy, for inserting/entering/listing as many smart and multiplied
keywords, as possible.

So, it could be also simplyfied: More matching keywords, to match with search
terms = better SEO.

It has been so often the question: "How can I improve SEO of my .tel
domains?": And this may be the answer, now.

Further more: If you ask: "How can I improve SEO of my .com, .org, etc.?":
I say: Your SEO of your .com can befefit, if you have a related .tel domain
(same domain name for .tel, as well as a copy of that .tel domain on the
existing websit, under "contact us"). Because, often a small business .com
website does not get found, in Internet, but its related .tel domain does,
within reasonable time. With higher amounts of website visites, the website
will get ranked better, as well (a .tel domain is not a website, but a
webpage, and is not about web content, but about contact information).

What I am highly interested at the moment, is every thing about mobile phone
content, and making mobile content friendly for users. There are a few ways,
and I am trying to figure out, what "Firefox Mobile" can offer towards that.

Nota Bene!: There is a direct relation, if you will, between "new .tel page for mygreencompany" and "website found (mygreencompany)".

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