Tuesday, September 15, 2009

13.1 miles

My Dad hurt his back really bad and couldn't run so I had my own personal cheerleader/photographer/videographer. Here are FOUR short videos:
Before the race:
Start of the race:
Finishing the race:
Post race:
The race was on Lakeshore Drive on Lake Michigan in downtown Chicago. It started and ended in Jackson Park. I was a little worried about getting to the race on time because the information told us to use public transportation or take a cab. So of course my Dad and I decided to drive. We were sure that we could get one of the 1,400 parking spots (for 20,000 people!). We sure did! And it only cost $16 to park (it would have been $50+ to take public transportation for both of us there and back).
So on the race: I finished well! My goal was to get under 2 hours and my official time was 2:05. HOWEVER, I drank too much coffee/gatorade while waiting for the race to start and couldn't hold it any long at mile 4 - so I had to wait in line to use one a porta-potty. The girl behind in line decided to go behind a tree, but I was not brave enough to do that. Eww! I also got the world's worst stitch in my side at mile 6 and I think I had an 11 minute mile.
I really wanted to quit on the mile 13, but now I know that it was because I knew it was the last mile. If I were doing a marathon I'm sure I would want to quit at mile 25 also.
Overall I feel pretty good about my time considering those two different obstacles and that I have never ran that far before!
There is a half-marathon in Conway next month, so my goal is to get under 2 hours. Also, I'm going to do a little bit of speed work, not drink very much coffee, focus on my breathing, and drop at least 5 pounds. For every 5 pounds you drop, you cut three minutes off your overall half-marathon time.
Before the race drinking coffee. Tsk, tsk.

Waiting for it to start.

I'm ready and excited to start!

After crossing finish line. The volunteers shoved tons of food into everyone's arms.

So glad to be done! I can't wait for the next race!

Sidenote 1: The emcee of the race kept saying how hot and humid it was on Sunday. At first I thought he was joking. He wasn't. One good benefit of living in Arkansas is that there are not many places you can go that will be hotter or more humid. The weather was fabulous and I did not get hot once.

Sidenote 2: After the race I literally had salt all over my arms from my sweat. You could see it. Like table salt size. Kinda gross. Kinda cool.

EXTRA! EXTRA! see some awesome action shots from the race (I look like I am walking, but I'm not. I guess I just make running a half-marathon look EASY! hah!):


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