Thursday, February 1, 2007

Pay per post bloggers are again targetted.

One by one, slowly but regularly dropping bloggers and deleting blog posts related to pay per post.

Why? But why?

They cite the reason as 'Link spamming' and I sincerely feel this as an excuse to tag along their peers. In order to retain their name(?) in their own arena, they(tail rank) assume that they must do what their peers do, else...else what? Will they get banned from the internet altogether? Who are they afraid of?

If they care to look at stumble, Furl, and etc etc, they can very well see one single story appears every where in the social search engines word by word! If one googles 'Sproose', the search results would be in thousands, which means Google alone has thousands of links to 'Sproose'.

Has the Google banned the 'Sproose'?

Can't I, and another person in the other side of the world, discuss about a new search engine?

So, where it narrows down to? Hypocrisy and nothing but that!

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