Tuesday, December 14, 2010


White Bordeaux: Oft-Forgotten Bliss. Fine white Bordeaux.

Compared with the relatively simple task of making red wine, white wine is far more complicated and labor intensive. Picking the white grapes, is difficult and time-consuming.

The white grapes are more delicate than the reds, and must be picked at peak ripeness and handled gently to avoid oxidation. This sometimes requires multiple passes at the same vines over the course of a couple of weeks.

In the cellar, the red wine is fermented in huge steel tanks, before being put in barrels to age. But the white is fermented in small oak barrels, each of which must receive individual care to make sure a secondary fermentation does not take place.

As the wine ages, the sediment, or lees, in each barrel is stirred periodically, which contributes to the wines’ voluptuous texture. One bottle of white requires 70 times more precision than one bottle of red.

Chateau Lynch Bages
Carbonnieux Blanc
Chateau Smith Haut Laffite
Chateau Monbousquet
Domaine De Chevalier
And more

Bordeaux Blanc
3, rue Butini
1202 Genève

Inhaber: Alexander Schiesser MacLeod


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