Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What to Wear Wednesday (WTWW) Looking Cute and Staying Warm

How I don;t know how many of you also might have this dilemma but every year when the first cold front really arrives, I look at my closest with a small frown wondering how I can attempt to look cute while still staying toasty warm!

We have had some BRUTAL winds the past few days and with dropping temperatures and even worse wind chills, I have desperately tried to wrap myself up in the warmest of outfits!  But knowing that this is just the very start of the winter months I refuse to be un-attractive for the next 3 months and am ready to share a few of my favorite pieces!

First pieces are all thanks Urban! I love matching the quirky pieces they carry with some of my favorite classics, it makes for the perfect mix of trendy, fun and still put together!

I love the sparkly bomber jacket, and of course everyone needs some good ear muffs especially with 20 + mph winds!

The polar bear sweater is adorable, definitely would bring out the child in whomever wore it!

There's nothing better then a large, go anywhere with everything tote! Love this one from JPress, and I think it can definitely be worn both by men and women!

This look definitely reminds me of my daily, try to be as warm as possible look, hat, gloves and scarf ALL a necessity when the wind chills are below zero!

Of course I adore my ladies from Gossip Girl, and as we all know they are definitely always a great fun trend to follow, see how each star plays on their own style while still staying warm!

I also love these three more neutral, yet very stylish and structured looks!  One cannot go wrong in greys, blacks, browns and tans all season long!

See how we can all take a lesson from this, you don't have to look like frosty just to stay warm!  

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