Monday, December 6, 2010

How to buy ties for men?

My brother-in-law was surprised that I chose the right bow ties for him. He is of the opinion that women are the worst choosers of ties for men. I have to agree with him though.

My husband always criticized me whenever I bought bow ties for him. He has firmly told that I should never shop for his needs. However, the color of ties that are displayed carries me away easily.

This frequent admonition made me to learn to buy for men. Surprisingly it was easy. All I had to was give the shopping bags at the right time. Hey, don’t think it is easy. Gauging the men’s mood needs a bit of practice.

There are men who know only one form of tie knot. I learnt a couple of more such as Windsor knot and Shelby knot.

To tell you the truth, my husband still depends on me to knot his tie.

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