Friday, December 10, 2010

Custom laptop with numeric keypad.

My system engineer who came to fix my HP printer saw my old laptop lying on the bed. I frantically tried to hide it under a blanket but it was too late. He saw it and looked at me that conveyed contempt clearly. I cringed with embarrassment because of the poor condition of my laptop.

He then offered to buy it back magnanimously and told me he would get me a new laptop built with the latest features and configuration. He builds custom laptops for individuals and corporate employees.

At this point, my son, a computer engineer stepped in and asked the computer troubleshooter several technical questions about building a custom laptop. The man answered with ease and confidence.

Finally, my son asked for a laptop with numeric keypad. The salesman said he could give the numeric keypad as an external attachment.

I wondered how it would be useful to a computer engineer!

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