Monday, December 13, 2010

Advent Online

I saw a note this week that the New England Province of the Jesuits is sponsoring some reflections for Advent.  For each week they have a little audio meditation, done by some of the great men of their province.  Some of it's a little less meditation-y than informative, but there's a lot of good stuff there. (There's also a beautiful painting by a retired Jesuit, Bob Lindsay.)

Discovering the New England material made me wonder what else might be out there.  I found a couple other nice sites.

Creighton University offers Advent thoughts and prayers. (If you don't know the Creighton University Spirituality site, you should definitely check it out. They have all sorts of online retreats and meditations.)
Here's their Advent page.  They have links to the different weeks on the left hand side (and if you go there you can find little prayers for each day); on the right side of the main page they have a list of different Advent topics.

The page is a little busy; if you want to check out just one thing, try one of Fr. Larry Gillick's audio Advent retreat reflections. (He's one of the great spirituality guys of the Wisconsin Jesuits.)

And here's another site I found with reflections for each day of Advent by men and women.  Looks like some wonderful stuff.

And if you're interested in more video material, Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, did this little meditation a few years ago that you might like.

Even in the virtual world, the spirit moves!

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