Thursday, December 2, 2010

25 days of Christmas!!

So as you all know I come from a family of traditions, not sure how all of them were started and some of them I am sure I could probably live without, but all in all each one has a special meaning and without each one, well it just wouldn't be MY family!

What are some of your favorite (or least favorite) family traditions?

One of my absolute FAVORITE traditions in my home is the 25 days of Christmas!  Many years back (not exactly sure why or when we started it) my mom started giving both my sister and I a small present on each day leading up to Christmas!  Sometimes its just a pack of our favorite gum and then other presents are gift cards, ect!  It honestly is such a special way to celebrate each day without just skipping to the 25th!  I am a true believer in celebrating the ENTIRE Holiday season, not just a single day! (and of course who doesn't love 25 extra* gifts!)

Once we left the house (college) both my sister and I thought the 25 days of Christmas would be no longer, but how we shall never doubt our mother she would prepare early and have all our presents wrapped ahead of time to send with us back to school after the Thanksgiving holiday!  This tradition has even lasted now that we all live in separate parts of the country, and for the first time this year it was extended to my sister's husband as well!!

It truly is these small but yet ever so important and wonderful traditions that I know will always stay in our family!  

May you all celebrate each day of this Holiday season, do not be rushed, step back and enjoy!!!

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